Evolving Energy-IEF-IEC 2012 Resolutions
of the International Energy Foundation
Whereas the International Energy Foundation is an international body of volunteers concerned with the scientific exchange of energy research between the developed and emerging nations without prejudice to the form of energy, we the delegates at Evolving Energy in Sydney, Australia, do hereby resolve that the following resolutions be acted upon by the IEF.
Furthermore, this should be conducted in cooperation, coordination and communication with national and international energy researchers and organizations worldwide. These resolutions were prepared by and endorsed by the delegates of Evolving Energy-IEF-IEC 2012,
Resolution 1
The next Evolving Energy-International Energy Foundation be held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia at a date to be determined by the host.
Resolution 2
The delegates, Consistent with the message conveyed by the Plenary speakers at the opening ceremonies, support the concerted effort by energy researchers towards energy sustainable development ensuring climate change and Energy security need not be diametrically opposed to each.
Resolution 3
The IEF continue to maximize the benefits to energy researchers by actively seeking to expand the cooperation, coordination and communication with all energy societies and organizations be they national or international. This action will strengthen and enhance the capacity and capability related to the dissemination of energy research within the technical, economic and human dimensions.
Resolution 4
The delegates encourage the extension of this to incorporate symposium, workshops, and seminars with scholars, industry and research institutes worldwide.
Resolution 5
The delegates support the creation of new jobs and wealth in the production of energy through the application of Wind Energy, geothermal and solar systems and alternative energies resources such Hydrogen, biofuels and less polluting range of gaseous fuels resulting in the establishment of a viable industrial base within developed and developing countries.
Resolution 6
It is strongly recommended that architects, designers, trade organizations and building contractors be integrated in future energy congresses through systematic, practical "on-hands" public awareness and educational processes.
Resolution 7
Energy options should be kept open in specific areas of interest such as:
- Safety and waste management arising from generation of Energy
- Reduce dependence on fossil fuels through an aggressive program of conservation and efficiency and
- The exponential increase in the utilization of renewable energies by a substantive increase in funding for research, development and demonstration.
Resolution 8
We recommend the need for further refinement with respect to the internalization of external costs for practical applications of all forms of energy.
Resolution 9
The continued expansion in the development and use of sustainable forms of renewable and alternative clean energies, is recommended so as to maximize the growth of the share in residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Resolution 10
We support further studies without bias related to the comparison of energy taxation and credit systems in different energy industries and its influence on producer competitiveness.
Resolution 11
This resolution calls for the regional Headquarters of the Foundation to be active in promotion of energy, research, development utilization of all forms of energy with minimum adverse impact on the environment. Such activity will promote the awareness and knowledge of a sustainable source of energy. IEF countries should be encouraged to take provide resources for research that leads to cleaner generation of energy and at the same time ensuring efficient utilization of Energy.
Resolution 12
We endorse the augmentation for RD&D for all renewable energy sources so as to reduce total electrical energy production costs and environmental impact.
Resolution 13
All nations be encouraged to maximize the use of International Agreements and Protocol mechanisms for the reduction of greenhouse gases and that these policies be integrated with each nation's national and international development aid policies.
Resolution 14
Governments and the industrial sector worldwide be encouraged to support financially and logistically the mandate of the International Energy Foundation.
Resolution 15
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) and Curtin University be congratulated for the generous financial help provided to help make the first Evolving Energy congress possible. Furthermore RMIT and the University of new South Wales deserve special thanks for the active participation of so many of their academics in the congress. This Congress has resulted in opening the windows of opportunity in academia, industry and government with global interactions related to energy technologies and their commercialization.
Resolution 16
It is recommended that a registration fee structure be established so as to encourage researchers from the host country and from the transitional and emerging nations to attend and participate in future congresses. Students should also be encouraged to attend and participate through a minimal fee structure. It is recommended that the Youth Energy Forum, which was introduced to the Foundation’s Energy Congress for the first during IEF-IEC2012 be made a permanent part of future IEF congresses.
Resolution 17
It is recommended that the section on Green buildings and waste management be expanded within the next Evolving Energy Congress.
Resolution 18
It is recommended that future hosts of the Evolving Energy series of Congress provide a best paper award for each major category and one award for the best student paper presentation. It is recommended that the participants of the First Youth Energy Forum be awarded certificates of appreciation. |