Country |
Company/Organization |
Name |
Position/Department |
Australia |
RMIT University |
Dr. Sylvester Abanteriba |
Professor, Propulsion Systems
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manuf. Eng. |
Australia |
University of Adelaide, Adelaide |
Dr. Adrian Bradbrook |
Faculty of Law |
Australia |
RMIT University |
Dr. Aleksandar Subic |
Professor, Dean of Engineering
College of Science, Engineering and Health |
Australia |
RMIT University |
Dr. AliakbarAKbarzadeh |
Professor, School of Aerospace,
Mechanical, and Manuf. Engineering. |
Australia |
Curtin University of Technology |
Dr. Mose O. Tade |
Professor, Dean of Engineering |
Australia |
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia |
Dr. Noor Alam Ahmed |
Professor, Head of Aerospace Engineering, UNSW. |
Australia |
RMIT University |
Dr. Xinghuo Yu |
Professor, Founding Director of Platform Technologies Research Institute |
Austria |
Vienna International center |
Dr. Rainer Kaulfersch |
Engineering Industries Branch UNIDO |
Bahrain |
University of Bahrain |
Dr. Eng. Mohammed J. K. Alghatam |
President |
Bahrain |
Energy Research Center |
Dr. Ali Al-Karaghouli |
Director |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Bahrain |
Engineering and Technical Services Department Banagas |
Mr. Mukesh Beri |
Manager |
Bahrain |
Ministry of Oil and Industry |
H.E. Sheikh Essa Bin Ali Al-Khalifa |
Minister |
Bangladesh |
Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research |
Dr. A. M. Hasan A. Khan |
Institute of Fuel Research and Development |
Country |
University of Engineering & Organisation |
Dr. M. A. Rashid Sarkar
Name |
Dept. Mechanical Eng.
Position/Department |
Barbados |
Caribbean Development Bank |
Dr. Jeffrey Dellimore |
Manager - Technology & Energy Unit |
Belgium |
Hydrocarbons&RenewableEnergy Sources Programme |
Dr. EnzoMillich |
Directorate General Energy |
Brazil |
Centro de TechnologiaUFPb |
Dr. Pio Lobo |
Professor |
Brazil |
Petrobras, Exploration & Production Dept. |
Dr. Daniel Nunes de Miranda Filho |
Manager |
Canada |
CJS Technology Inc. |
Dr. Caijun Shi |
President |
Canada |
National Research Council of Canada |
Dr. Ashwani Kumar |
Institute for Chemical Process & Environmental Technology |
Canada |
Ryerson Polytechnic University |
Dr. Marc A. Rosen |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Canada |
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres |
Dr. Tapan K Bose |
Hydrogen Research Institute |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Canada |
Memorial University University of Regina |
Dr. A. M. Martin Dr. Gordon Huang |
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Engineering |
China |
Northeast China Institute of Electrical Power Engineering |
Dr. Xiumin Jiang |
Senior Reseacher |
Denmark |
Adborg University |
Dr. Henrik Lund |
Department of Development and Planning |
Egypt |
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics |
Dr. MosalamShaltout |
Senior Researcher |
Egypt |
Zagazig Uiversity |
Dr Gawad |
Professor of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Dept. of Mechanical Power Engineering |
Egypt |
Building Research Center |
Dr. Mona Fanny |
Researcher |
Egypt |
National center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control |
Dr. Mohamed Salama |
Chairman |
Eritrea |
Ministry of Energy and Mines |
Dr. SemereHabtetsion |
Director |
Estonia |
Estonian Energy Research Institute |
Dr. Ylo Rudi |
Director |
France |
International Energy Expert |
Dr. Jean-Marie Bourdaire |
Researcher |
Georgia |
Scientific Energy Centre of Georgia |
Dr. Givi K. Kokhreidze |
Manager |
Germany |
German Aerospace Center DLR |
Dr. Bernhard Milow |
Energy and Transport Programs |
Germany |
Fachhochschule Aachen |
Dr.-Ing. Thpmas Esch |
Professor, Faculty of Engineering |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
Position Deapartment |
Germany |
German Aerospace Center DLR |
Dr. Franz Trieb |
Institute of Technical Thermodynamics |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Germany |
Solar Millennium AG |
Dr. Ing. HennerGladen |
Manager |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Guinea-Bissau |
Africom Ltd. |
Mr. FilintoVaz Martins |
Researcher |
Hong Kong |
University of Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Sumathy |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
India |
Center for Energy Studies |
Dr. Narendra Kumar Bansal |
Researcher |
India |
Center for Energy Studies |
Dr. Tara Chandra Kandpal |
Researcher |
India |
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources |
Mr. Pradeep Chandra Pant |
Senior Scientific Officer |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
India |
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Dr. H. P. Garg |
Centre for Energy Studies |
Iraq |
College of Science, University of Baghdad |
Prof. Dr. C. K. J. Al-Ani |
Dean |
Iraq |
College of Engineering, Mosul University |
Dr. Wagah F. Mohamad |
Professor |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
Position/Department |
Island |
National Energy Authority |
Dr. ThorkellHelgason |
Director General |
Japan |
Electrochemical Laboratory |
Dr. Eiichi Endo |
Manager |
Japan |
Tohoku University |
Dr. T. S. Satoh |
Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering |
Jordan |
University |
Dr. Omar Badran |
Researcher |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Kenya |
Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology |
Dr. Stephen Gaya Agong |
Director |
Kenya |
Jumo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology |
Dr. Frederick NgaloOnyango |
Deputy Vice Chancellor Research |
Kuwait |
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries |
Dr. M. Moulchtar |
Director of Technical Affairs Department |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Center of the problems Renewable Energy Sources Allocation |
Dr. A. J Obozov |
Director |
Lebanon |
Solar Energy Research Center,
Beirut, |
Dr. M. B. Quaida |
Researcher |
Lebanon |
USCWA for Western Asia |
Dr. Hedayat-Allah Gari |
Energy Issues Sections/ENRED |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
Malaysia |
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor |
Dr. Md. Abul Hossain Mollah |
Faculty of Engineering |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
Position/Department |
Malaysia |
Universiti Tenaga National |
Ir. Dr. Abd Halim Shamsudin |
Professor, Director Centre for Renewable Energy |
Morocco |
Institute Agronomic Veterinary , Rabat |
Dr. Ahmed Benaini |
Researcher |
Namibia |
University of Namibia, Winhoek |
Dr. Earle Taylor |
Researcher |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Member |
Position/Department |
New Zealand |
University of Waikato, Hamilton |
Dr. Barry Barton |
Lecturer/School of Law |
Poland |
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Krakow |
Dr. Lidia Gawlik |
Department of Fossil Fuels and Energy Research |
Romania |
Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest |
Dr. Magdalena Momirlan |
Senior Researcher |
Romania |
Technical University of Timisora, Timisoara |
Dr. Francisc Gyulai |
Wind Energy Research Center |
Russia |
Energo-Invest, Yarosiavi |
Dr. Igor I. Samkhan |
Director |
Saudi Arabia |
King Fadh University of petroleum and Minerals, Dhahrain |
Dr. Abdulghani Al-Farayedhi |
Administrator |
Singapore |
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat, Singapore |
Dr. Yang Yafei |
Director (Program) |
Singapore |
Crossfields Asia Pacific, Singapore |
Dr. Deepak L. Waikar |
Engineering Consulting |
Switzerland |
World Meteorological Organization |
Prof. G.O.P Obasi |
Secretary-General |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of fellow |
Position/Department |
Syria |
The Arab Academy of Sciences,
Damascas |
Dr. Adnan Mustafa |
Chairman |
Taiwan |
Yuan Ze University, Tayuan |
Dr. S. H. Chan |
President |
Tajikistan |
State Joint Holding Company, Dushanbe |
Dr. Petrov G. Nikolaevich |
Administrator |
Thailand |
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok |
Dr. S. C Bhattacharya |
Energy Program |
Tunisia |
National School of Engineering of Tunis, Tunis |
Dr. A. S. Bouazzi |
Professor |
UK |
The University of Nottingham, Notingham |
Dr. Mohamed B. Gadi, |
School of Built Environment |
UK |
World Renewable Energy Network, |
Dr. Ali Sayigh |
Director General |
Ukraine |
Institute for Problems of Material Science of UAS, Ukraine |
Dr. D. V. Shur |
Senior Scientific Researcher |
United Arab Emirates |
Government of Fujairah |
Dr. Salem Khalil |
Technical Advisor |
Global Energy Network International, 1250 sixth Avenue,
San Diego, CA |
Mr. Peter Meisen |
President |
Geothermal Resources Council |
Mr. Ted Clutter |
Executive Director |
Law School, Pace University, White Plains, New York |
Prof. Richard Ottinger |
Professor |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Boulder CO |
Mr. Howard Geller Position/Department |
Executive Director |
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL |
Dr. Shen-Lin Chang |
Researcher |
Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL, |
Dr. Michael Petrick |
Researcher |
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL |
Dr. Donald A. Hanson |
Researcher |
Biodiesel Development Corporation, 111 Sanguaro |
Mr. Russell Teall |
Chairman |
Clean Energy Research Institute |
Dr. Veziroglu |
Director |
Climate Institute, Washington,DC |
Mr. John C. Topping Jr. |
President |
Desert Research Institute, NV |
Dr. Roger L. Jacobson |
Deputy Director |
Duke Solar, Raleigh NC |
Mr. Gilbert E. Cohen |
Vice President of Engineering |
Environmental Resources Management, Houston Texas |
Mr. Richard C. Bost |
Researcher |
Executive Director |
Dr. Michael Lynch |
Executive Director |
Florida Solar Energy Centre,
Cocoa, Fl |
Blanche M. Sheinkopf |
Researcher |
Greenstar, Westlake, Village |
Dr. Charles Gay |
Vice President |
International Energy Associates Inc., Chevy Chase |
Dr. Herman T. Franssen |
President |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
Position/Department |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA |
Dr. Sally Benson |
Researcher |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley |
Dr. Jim Bishop |
Earth Sciences |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Dr. G. Loren Toole |
Researcher |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Dr. Michael C. Lynch |
Centre for International Studies |
Country |
Organization |
Name |
Position/Department |
National Energy Technology Center, Pittsburgh |
Dr. Thomas Dorchak |
Researcher |
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburg PA |
Dr. James Ekmann |
Office of Systems and Environmental Analysis |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado |
Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski |
National Center for Photovoltaics |
Country |
Organisation |
Name |
Position/Department |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado |
Dr. Ralph Overend |
Manager |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA |
Dr. Gary Jacobs |
Researcher |
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, Washington D. C. |
Mr. Stephen D. Burns |
Deputy Director |
Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA |
Dr. Javid Bayandor |
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Country |
Organisation |
Name of Fellow |
Position/Department |
Purdue University Calumet |
Dr. TomaHentea |
Faculty of Engineering |
Sandia National Energy Laboratories,Albuquerque |
Dr. Gregory D. Wyss |
Risk, Reliability and Modeling Department |
Texaco Energy Systems Inc.
Houston, Texas |
Mr. John M. Brady |
Vice President - Technology Development |
Texas A&M University, Texas |
Dr. Yassan A. Hassan |
Professor |
U.S. Country Studies Program,
Washington |
Dr. Jerry Pell |
Manager |
University of South Carolina, |
Dr. W. Davis Folsom |
Researcher |
US Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. |
Dr. Thomas Grahame |
Office of Fossil Fuels |
US Department of Energy, Washington |
Dr. Peter Salmon-Cox |
Office of Industrial Technologies, EE-20 |
US-DOE office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Washington D. C. |
Mr. Richard Bradshaw |
Manager |
Director, Computing Resources,
Bellaire TX |
Mr. Richard Deans |
Director of Computing Resources |